Adam Kopeć — Excel expert,
Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professionals)
I provide comprehensive stationary and online training. Thanks to them, you will discover the secrets of formulas, functions and macros that will help you automate processes, analyze data, create charts and much more.
Regardless of whether you are just starting your adventure with Excel or you are already an advanced user, I have courses tailored to the needs of you and your business.

I have held the Microsoft MVP title for 7 years, which is a great honor for me. This award is given by Microsoft to technology experts who are passionate about sharing their knowledge with the community.

In addition to video courses, I am the author of books, including: EXCEL SUPERHERO. FROM ZERO TO HERO AT WORK and EXCEL MASTER IN 20 DAYS. COURSE WITH EXERCISES.
I also publish in industry magazines, where I write about Excel and its possibilities. You can find my articles on, among others, and
Check out sample articles (in Polish):
I pass on my knowledge in the form of online training, which can be found on the Udemy platform, where I have gathered a large group of satisfied customers. You can read more about these courses HERE.
course participants
course evaluation
course reviews
views on Polish YouTube
subscribers on Polish YouTube
videos on Polish YouTube
I also run a channel in English, which I cordially invite you to visit!
I also share my knowledge and experience during stationary training.
These are tailor-made trainings so that my students gain practical skills that they can immediately use in their everyday work.
During my classes, I not only provide theoretical knowledge, but also focus on practical applications. Thanks to this, participants gain confidence in working with a spreadsheet, and learning becomes inspiring and effective.