Adam Kopeć — Excel expert, 
Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professionals)

I pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive sta­tion­ary and online train­ing. Thanks to them, you will dis­cov­er the secrets of for­mu­las, func­tions and macros that will help you auto­mate process­es, ana­lyze data, cre­ate charts and much more.

Regard­less of whether you are just start­ing your adven­ture with Excel or you are already an advanced user, I have cours­es tai­lored to the needs of you and your business.


I have held the Microsoft MVP title for 7 years, which is a great hon­or for me. This award is giv­en by Microsoft to tech­nol­o­gy experts who are pas­sion­ate about shar­ing their knowl­edge with the community.


In addi­tion to video cours­es, I am the author of books, includ­ing: EXCEL SUPERHERO. FROM ZERO TO HERO AT WORK and EXCEL MASTER IN 20 DAYS. COURSE WITH EXERCISES.


I also pub­lish in indus­try mag­a­zines, where I write about Excel and its pos­si­bil­i­ties. You can find my arti­cles on, among oth­ers, and

Check out sam­ple arti­cles (in Polish):


I pass on my knowl­edge in the form of online train­ing, which can be found on the Ude­my plat­form, where I have gath­ered a large group of sat­is­fied cus­tomers. You can read more about these cours­es HERE.

course participants

course evaluation


course reviews


views on Polish YouTube

subscribers on Polish YouTube

videos on Polish YouTube

I also run a channel in English, which I cordially invite you to visit!


I also share my knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence dur­ing sta­tion­ary training.

These are tai­lor-made train­ings so that my stu­dents gain prac­ti­cal skills that they can imme­di­ate­ly use in their every­day work.

Dur­ing my class­es, I not only pro­vide the­o­ret­i­cal knowl­edge, but also focus on prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tions. Thanks to this, par­tic­i­pants gain con­fi­dence in work­ing with a spread­sheet, and learn­ing becomes inspir­ing and effective.