When we need more space while work­ing in Dash­board in Excel, we can just hide unnec­es­sary options. How? Let’s find out.

Hide scroll bars, for­mu­la bars, col­umn headers

The options we can hide are e.g. scroll bars, sheet tabs, for­mu­la bars as well as column/row head­ers. If we want to hide then we just go to the File menu and choose the Options com­mand (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1 Options 

In the Excel Options win­dow, we choose the Advanced tag. If you pre­fer using short­cuts, you can press Alt + T + O, which also opens the win­dow. Lets go to the Dis­play area and uncheck the Show for­mu­la bar check­box. Remem­ber that it works for all Excel files (Fig.2 )

Show formula bar checkbox
Fig. 2 Show for­mu­la bar checkbox

Then, we can go to the Dis­play options for this work­book area. We have to uncheck the Show hor­i­zon­tal scroll bar, Show ver­ti­cal scroll bar, Show sheet tabs check­box­es (Fig. 3)

Three checkboxes
Fig. 3 Three checkboxes

We can even go to the Dis­play options for this work­sheet area where we can uncheck the Show row and col­umn head­ers check­box and press OK (Fig. 4)

Show row and column headers checkbox
Fig. 4 Show row and col­umn head­ers checkbox

We can also dou­ble-click on the Home tab to hide the rib­bon, which gives us even more space than before. 

Now, I can press Ctrl + Page Down to go to anoth­er work­book. Here, we can see that col­umn and row head­ers are vis­i­ble. How­ev­er, when we go back to our work­book by press­ing Ctrl + Page Up, we can see that there are no row or col­umn head­ers. That’s how you make more space in your Dashboard. 
