If I need to extract only letters from my text, what should I do? Lets find out.
When I need to extract only letters from my text, it means that I also need to extract spaces and enters (new lines).
With Power Query this task is quite easy.
I need to select one cell in my table, then go to the Data tab, and click on the From Table/Range command in order to take our data to Power Query (Fig. 1)

Here, I have four simple pieces of text. One in English and three in Polish. We need to go to the Add column tab, then to the Custom column command (Fig. 2)

In the Custom Column window, we have the space to name our column. Let’s call it Clean, and below we have the Custom column formula box, where we write the Text.Select function. In the function we need to work with text, so let’s select the right column (1). Then, I need letters. Since there will be string of characters, I have to use curly brackets, where we write upper case letter in the first sequence, which is “A”..“Z”. Then let’s write lower case letters, which is “a”..“z”. Writing two dots between letters means that there is a sequence. Let’s close the curly bracket and the parenthesis. Now, it should be fine (Fig 3)

After pressing OK, the system extracted for us only letters. However, the text presented like this is just gibberish. That’s why we have to add spaces. To do that, we need to go to the View bar, then select the Formula bar checkbox and start modifying our formula. Let’s write a comma and a space in double quotes (1). If we need other signs, we should also write them, e.g. a dot (2). As we can see, we have spaces and dots in our new text (Fig. 4)

However, I don’t need dots in my text. What I really need are enters. We can remove the dot from the formula and write #(lf) in its place. After entering the formula, we can see that we have extracted enters, lower case letters, spaces. But, I didn’t extract Polish letters. In row 4 there are strictly Polish letters. In rows 2 and 3 there are some of them. The question is: how can I extract unusual signs from text using the Text.Select function. First of all, we have to check the Unicode. We can see that letters from A to Z is a sequence of numbers from 65 to 90. It’s similar in lower case letters. The most important lesson from it is that we have a sequence (Fig. 5)

Now, let’s go back to our formula. If I want to have Polish letters, I can write a sequence of “Ó”..“ż”. After entering the formula, we have extracted also Polish signs (Fig. 6)

Now, that we have extracted all signs we need, we can go to the Home tab and click on the Close&Load to command to transfer our results to Excel (Fig. 7)

In the Import Data window, we have to select a cell (Fig. 7)

As we can see, the text is written in one line, so we need to wrap it. Let’s go to the Home tab and click on the Wrap Text command (Fig. 8)

Now, we clearly see upper case letter, lower case letter, spaces, enters. I removed signs that I didn’t need (Fig. 9)
